I still remember how nervous I was when I was assign to write my first college term paper. My lecturer, after looking at the confusing looks on our face, try to explain how our first term paper suppose be about.
One of the vivid advices he gave is to ask us to imagine we are writing to a person who has absolutely no idea what the topic that you ought to write. Part of the reason that I can still remember it so clearly is because for the following term papers, I was asked to do the same from all the lecturers.
One the problem back then, is that I was yet to comprehend what I had just learn from their lecture. How would I going to write something to convince others about the knowledge that I had just learnt? It was exceptionally hard when I was fully aware that the only audience would be my lecturer, who is someone that would be impossible to leverage my knowledge with.
I have to admit though, writing my college term paper had helped me a lot to finally understand the knowledge that somehow seems to be too advanced. It has forces me to utilise the knowledge that I had just learnt to my term paper. The whole process writing the term paper has help me to ‘digest’ the knowledge, taking time to appreciate slowly about the meanings before being able to use it in my term papers.
The process of writing a college term paper is vital, indeed. Though college term paper may sounds like a ‘beginner’ term paper, but you are still oblige to try to convince your reader(s) about the statements that you had made and are able to argue yourself through in the paper. Back then, my ultimate goal in writing my college term paper is not to appear ‘too freshy’ in the eyes of the beholder.
A term paper would require you to first choose your stand on a topic. In order to produce a strong and good college term paper, you have to make an effort do thorough research about and surrounding the topic that you ought to present. Because a well experienced lecturer can tell whether you are doing enough research by looking at the arguments that you had made in the term paper. Most of the students are tend to give too many of their own opinions in their term papers that they never bothered to give enough evidence to prove their stands.
Like any kinds of term papers, a college term paper would also require you to persuade and convince your readers to agree and willing to take a stand together with you. Without enough research, the students will fail to persuade and even to convince the reader that what you said are relevant and true
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13 years ago
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